
External Helm Charts

Usage with Helm

  1. Add the repo to helm repo list:
helm repo add opengov-external 'https://opengov.github.io/helm-charts-external/'
  1. Check if repo exists in helm repo list:
helm repo update
helm repo list
  1. Use a chart
helm install opengov-external/$CHART $RELEASE_NAME --values $VALUES

Usage with Kustomize

In your kustomize.yaml:

- name: chart-name
  repo: https://opengov.github.io/helm-charts-external
  version: vX.Y.Z
  releaseName: chart-name
  namespace: chart-namespace
  valuesFile: values.yaml
    image: "imagename:tag"

Updating the Charts

  1. Fetch the chart version you want to update to
cd charts/
helm fetch repo/chart --version X.Y.Z
  1. Extract the chart
tar xjf chart-X.Y.Z.tgz
  1. Commit changes and open a PR
git checkout -B ticket-123-update-chart
git add chart/
git commit
git push ticket-123-update-chart
gh pr create # or open in the GH UI

Releasing the charts

  1. The GitHub Actions Workflow .github/workflows/release_charts.yml will handle it on merge to master


  1. https://blog.softwaremill.com/hosting-helm-private-repository-from-github-ff3fa940d0b7
  2. https://medium.com/hackernoon/using-a-private-github-repo-as-helm-chart-repo-https-access-95629b2af27c
  3. https://medium.com/@mattiaperi/create-a-public-helm-chart-repository-with-github-pages-49b180dbb417