OpenGov Visual Interface Documentation


Grid Overview

The grid is a helpful layout tool that can be used where needed. Keep in mind that most OpenGov interfaces are comprised of 100% width elements and don't need a grid.

To use columns there are a couple things to do:

1) Ensure that the content is wrapped in <div class=".ui-width-wrapper"></div>. This sets the proper left and right padding. 2) Wrap each row of columns in <div class="ui-row"></div>. The row class does some fancy stuff with negative left and right margins to unsure that .ui-col-#of6 elements have the same left and right edge as everything else.

I'm a normal paragraph tag and since I'm simply 100% width, I can being wrapped in .ui-row or .ui-col-6of6.

Right below me is a 6 of 6 column wrapped in a .ui-row container and below that are two 3 of 3 columns which are also wrapped in a .ui-row container.

I'm another normal paragraph tag sandwiched between two .ui-rows. Notice how my left and right edges are still aligned to the same edge as the column divs!

NOTE: Since you can't make quarters out of 6, you'll need to use '.ui-col-3of12'.

<div class="ui-width-wrapper kss-grid-example">
 <p>I'm a normal paragraph tag and since I'm simply 100% width, I can being wrapped in .ui-row or .ui-col-6of6.</p>
 <p>Right below me is a 6 of 6 column wrapped in a .ui-row container and below that are two 3 of 3 columns which are also wrapped in a .ui-row container.</p>
  <div class="ui-row">
    <div class="ui-col-6of6"></div>
  <div class="ui-row">
    <div class="ui-col-3of6"></div>
    <div class="ui-col-3of6"></div>
  <p>I'm another normal paragraph tag sandwiched between two .ui-rows. Notice how my left and right edges are still aligned to the same edge as the column divs!</p>
  <div class="ui-row">
    <div class="ui-col-2of6"></div>
    <div class="ui-col-4of6"></div>
  <div class="ui-row">
    <div class="ui-col-5of6"></div>
    <div class="ui-col-1of6"></div>
  <p>NOTE: Since you can't make quarters out of 6, you'll need to use '.ui-col-3of12'.</p>
  <div class="ui-row">
    <div class="ui-col-3of12"></div>
    <div class="ui-col-3of12"></div>
    <div class="ui-col-3of12"></div>
    <div class="ui-col-3of12"></div>


You can nest grid columns within grid columns. When nesting, remember these two things:

1) Grid columns always need to have .ui-row as their direct parent. 2) Grid column widths are relative percentages of their parents. So, if you nest .ui-col-3of6 (width: 50%) within a .ui-col-5of6 (width: 83%), it will end up being an odd 50% of 83% (or 41.5%) which does not align to the grid.

Below are some exampes of proper nesting.

<div class="ui-width-wrapper kss-grid-example kss-nested-grid-examples">
  <div class="ui-row">
    <div class="ui-col-3of6">
      <div class="ui-row">
        <div class="ui-col-1of3 nobreak"></div>
        <div class="ui-col-2of3 nobreak"></div>
    <div class="ui-col-3of6">
      <div class="ui-row">
        <div class="ui-col-2of3 nobreak"></div>
        <div class="ui-col-1of3 nobreak"></div>
  <div class="ui-row">
    <div class="ui-col-4of6">
      <div class="ui-row">
        <div class="ui-col-2of4"></div>
        <div class="ui-col-2of4"></div>
    <div class="ui-col-2of6">
      <div class="ui-row">
        <div class="ui-col-1of2"></div>
        <div class="ui-col-1of2"></div>

Offset Mixin

In some cases, you'll need to shift a column one or two column units to the left or right. To do so, use the ui-offset mixin.


  • $columns - Unit. The number of columns to shift.
  • $direction - Offset left or right. Default is left.


@include offset(2);


When using breakpoints, it's best to stick to our predefined widths.

@include breakpoint($breakMedium) { color: red }

$breakLarge: 1280px $breakMedium: 960px $breakSmall: 640px

Revised breakpoints

Beginning of tablet sizes $break480: 480px

720 (+ 70px for side nav) $break790: 790px

1080 (+ 70px for side nav) $break1150: 1150px

1440 (+ 70px for side nav) $break1510: 1510px

1870 (+ 70px for side nav) $break1870: 1870px


Using @media queries, the grid responsively adapts to your screen size. If you don't want the columns to change sizes, simply add .nobreak.

Grids 960px or more Between 960px and 640px 640px or less
.ui-col1of6 16.6% 100% 100%
.ui-col3of12 25% 50% 100%
.ui-col2of6 33.3% 50% 100%
.ui-col3of6 50% 50% 100%
.ui-col4of6 66.6% 100% 100%
.ui-col5of6 83.3% 100% 100%
.ui-col6of6 100% 100% 100%

Fixed Grid

In some cases, you'll need to shift a column one or two column units to the left or right. To do so, use the ui-offset mixin.


Grid Cell 1
Grid Cell 2
Grid Cell 3